Show Me Fonts is a new type foundry run by type designer Bernd Volmer. To showcase their typefaces and make them available for customers to purchase, we developed a bespoke website with an integrated e-commerce solution.
Show Me Fonts is a new type foundry run by type designer Bernd Volmer. To showcase their typefaces and make them available for customers to purchase, we developed a bespoke website with an integrated e-commerce solution.
The site has 3 built-in default themes, the user can switch between. On top of that each typeface family can define its own custom theme. The theme colors are not only applied to the interface itself, but also to all images and graphics in the page content. Each family also defines its own set of decorative elements to complement the flair of the font.
We implemented custom logic to support the different licensing models of the foundry and to realize automatic discounts, based on number styles and license types selected. Furthermore, to make the administrators’ life considerably easier, we extended the UI of the CMS with the ability to list and choose from variable font exes, and to dynamically calculate the number of styles in a font.
The front page of the site features an animated, interactive grid of glyphs. The configuration of the grid is fully editable via the CMS, and there is an edit mode for easy positioning and scaling the the letters, so no extra help from a developer is necessary to update and change it.